Last December, I waited too long to buy a pair of Adidas Sambas and my size sold out. I should’ve known better, since I made the same mistake a few months ago when I failed to get my kid a pair for the new school year. Lesson learned. Now not only can you buy them fully stocked, but Amazon even has them marked down this weekend. The under-the-radar Adidas Sambas sale is one of the best sneaker deals we’ve seen all year, so you shouldn’t sleep on it.
Although they’ve been around since 1949, Adidas’s Samba sneakers have seen a resurgence over the past two years. Our editors have reviewed so many Adidas shoes, including new launches like Samba golf shoes and designer collabs, and we’re convinced that Sambas are among the best smart-casual wardrobe staples. They can be dressed up or down—and most importantly, they’re affordable compared with other popular sneakers on the market.
Sure, the Sambas have been on sale before, but almost every time, sizes and colors sell out within hours. This weekend, though, both black and white are on sale in every single size. That’s rare, and it’s probably going to change as time goes on. I’d recommend acting fast on this one. Shop now for even more Adidas deals, too.
More Adidas Amazon Deals
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